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  • Do you supply your own chemicals and equipment?
    Yes! We use professional commercial grade checmicals and equipment sourced from local canterbury suppliers.
  • How are payments calculated?
    This is done per hour, per cleaner. For example, if your house requires 3 hours of cleaning, and we send only one cleaner @ 1$ an hour, then the total would be $3. If we send two cleaners to do the same amount of work for 1.5 hours @ $1 then total is still $3. The same amount of work is done no matter what with the same calculated price, the difference is that the real time spent on a job may actually vary, because with one cleaner the work could take that person 3 hours, but with 2 cleaners the same amount of work could be split efficiently and thus it only takes them 1.5 hours to complete. This provides greater efficiency for both parties as we're out of your house sooner and it gives us greater flexibility in our schedule.
  • Do I have to be home while your cleaning?
    No, as long as you have a way to let us in when you are not home there is no reason for you to have to be there. However, if it makes you feel more comfortable we welcome you to stay and watch what we do. All of our house cleaning employees are trustworthy and friendly, they do have a schedule though so make sure to give them enough space to get their work done.
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